Virtual Open Houses is Now Available on Stratus and Matrix!

Unlike virtual tours, which display interactive media to buyers when exploring a property, a virtual open house is a live-streamed event that allows attendees to tune in and interact live from their personal devices. This interactive experience allows you to answer questions and personalize the Open House experience for your buyers.

The previous options for open houses had been Broker and Public.  They are now Broker, Broker Virtual, Public and Public Virtual.  If one of the virtual options are selected a new field “URL” is prompted.  In this field, you would enter the URL for the zoom meeting or whatever meeting site you are using.  A time is entered for these just like a regular open house.

Leah Caro, Chairperson of the OneKey™ MLS Board of Managers said,

 “One Key MLS is committed to helping its participants and subscribers through these challenging times particularly being agile enough to respond to these challenging times as our members request new and innovative tools. You asked, we answered.” 

Virtual Open Houses should start being sent to the consumer portals on Thursday, May 14th., Zillow and Homesnap are planning to implement them. All other portals have been notified that the fields will now be available in their feed.

We have been informed by that only the following virtual meeting sites are compatible with this new feature:

  • webex
  • bluejeans
  • zoho
  • meeting

Please note that ONLY virtual open houses should be entered. Do not enter virtual tours in these fields.